Hello there!
My name is Rhys Shurey! I’m Australian-European, 23 years old student currently undertaking my Master’s in Media Studies: Digital Cultures at Maastricht University. I did my Bachelor’s in Arts and Culture where I majored in Political Culture and Minored in Globalisation and Development. During this time I have been involved in several research teams, creative projects, held a leading position on the board of an extra-curricular study association as well as being involved in assisting and event managing with a number of organisations in the field of sustainability and environmental justice.
Throughout highly interdisciplinary, international, challenging and multifaceted educational experience I have evolved quite a taste for politics, ethics, education, multi-media project design, social and environmental justice and leadership. I have chosen to pursue media studies because I believe that it will allow me to contribute to positive, ethical projects in a way which does not rely on just one medium, but introduces a pluralistic, informed, pragmatic and reflexive approach combining the best of multiple methods, ideas, technologies and practices from a diverse range of different sources.
This blog is my living portfolio of media studies related projects, musings and assignments. For you, its your one-stop-shop for all things relating to my media studies discoveries; where I publish articles, insights, completed projects and updates on my current adventures. As time progress, this space is becoming more and more filled with a plethora of photos, videos, posts and more exploring my experiences as a researcher of digital mediums. Just as much as it is a place to show off my professional and academic achievements, so to is it a space of learning and reflection.
So strap in, sit back and prepare to set sail as we explore the broad horizons of unknown digital landscapes together!