Looking back on the second period of my studies, there were several experiences and topics that I really enjoyed. In Design Thinking & Maker Culture, I specifically enjoyed the practical foundation of the course and the hand-on experience that we got during both the tutorials and the skills sessions. IContinue Reading

For the module Transformations in Digital Cultures, we were asked to conduct a small ethnographical research to investigate a specific technology and a community engaging with it. I decided to investigate the gendering of humanoid robots to find out how it might affect people’s current social understandings of gender. AsContinue Reading

“Can you hear me?” I’m nodding. Does she see that I’m nodding? “Can you hear me?” No, she can’t see it. “Yes, I can hear you.” Ping! I see a notification appearing in the corner of my screen. Online Meeting, Tuesday at 10. Prrrrrrt! I hear my phone vibrating. IContinue Reading

Welcome to my blog for MA in Media Studies: Digital Cultures at Maastricht University. I will be posting content on this blog related to my master’s programme. I hope you enjoy your visite on this website!Continue Reading