I want to start out this reflection by expressing how badly I underestimated 3D modeling. Originally I thought I understand the process – taking pictures with enough overlap and in even lighting conditions and then run them through the various steps of 3D modeling in the software MetashapePro. But alreadyContinue Reading

1.    Introduction What is our understanding of materiality in today’s world? Although we all have an idea of what is meant by the term material, the definition of the concept of materiality remains unclear to many. Scholars describe it as the physical properties of an artifact, which have an influenceContinue Reading

Reading the headline sparked interest, otherwise you would not have clicked on the article. This is on the one hand due to the so called “Headlines First!” approach of having an attention grabbing headline to garner readers interest. This is a method which is being used in the news industryContinue Reading

  Figure 1, One of three Life@UM Header Videos (Screenshot) Life@UM – this is the name of the webpage in which the University of Maastricht gives more information about themselves and student life in general (University Maastricht, 2020a). These kind of pages are there for a certain reason – prospectiveContinue Reading

This podcast is part of a series of different elements, which all focus on discovering the concept of multimodality. This contains multiple blog posts discussing different aspects of it as well as this podcast tying all of this together in verbal form. If you want to discover more about multimodality,Continue Reading

Crazy how time flies. In one week term two is already over. In some ways this term was more stressful than the first one, even though I knew more so than in term one of what to expect. But the weeks just kept flying by and now with only oneContinue Reading

Reflection on the first term at UM After eight challenging, sometimes tiring but always interesting weeks term one is in the books. It took some time to get used to UM and its use of PBL as well as peer reviewing, but I think after nearly two months I gotContinue Reading

Anecdote: The perfect backdrop I am checking out the backdrop of my camera a few minutes before our skills meeting. Today I am sitting in the living room, but I still want to control what my classmates can see through my camera. Sharing my camera and therefore myself feels veryContinue Reading