
Transformation in Digital Cultures

We can observe changes in different areas. What digital media do, what they look like, and how they relate to each other and to older media is not identical worldwide, but dependent on local practices as well. The aim of this course is to investigate the consequences of these developments on society and culture. These consequences have been differently evaluated.

Virtual Reality

Media extend the human body and brain, and specifically our senses. In this course we will discuss the work of three philosophers that reflected on the changes brought about by the media of their time. You will also be introduced to the phenomenology of practice, a research method that enables you to become attentive to and analyze the structures of your daily experience, mediated or unmediated.

Machines of Knowledge

This course will introduce you to the transformation of the World Wide Web from an information space to one that is increasingly seen as a series of dynamic knowledge sites. We will explore how new approaches of generating web content change user expectations and forms of practice; how it has introduced a new dialogue between the textual and the contextual and between words and image.

Design Thinking and Maker Culture

This course introduces students to the theories, methods, and principles of Design Thinking and the ethos of Maker Culture through the lens of Design Ethnography, a set of tools and methods that combines traditional ethnographic approaches with user-centered design, to understand not what users say they want.

Creating Digital Collections |

We will problematise collections by exploring the politics of collecting and digitisation, investigating their affordances, including the aura and authenticity of digital 2D and 3D representations, and scrutinising principles and practices of curation in traditional and new media collections. Using these as the theoretical basis, we will start conceptualising own class-based digital collection.

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