This podcast is part of a series of different elements, which all focus on discovering the concept of multimodality. This contains multiple blog posts discussing different aspects of it as well as this podcast tying all of this together in verbal form. If you want to discover more about multimodality, just press play or browse one of our blogs!
Bezemer, J. (2012, March 15). “What is Multimodality” [Video]. Youtube.
Brien, A. (2013). Storyboarding.…oryboarding
Clivaz, C. & Sankar, M. (2016). Multimodal Literacies. DARIAH Teach. [Training module].
Gilje, Ø. (2010). Multimodal Redesign in Filmmaking Practices: An Inquiry of Young Filmmakers’ Deployment of Semiotic Tools in Their Filmmaking Practice. Written Communication, 27(4), 494–522.
Jewitt, C. (2008). Multimodality and Literacy in School Classrooms. Review of Research in Education, 32(1), 241-267.