Creating a 3D Model
For our current and final course, Creating Digital Collections II, every student was tasked with creating a 3D model of an object that has significance to them in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, both on a personal level as well as relating to some larger societal themes. As would becomeSee Full Post
A Digital Memorial: Collecting to Remember and to Process
How do we use the internet to collect and remember? Especially in times of COVID when there is so much loss. Does the internet allow us to remember? Or is it dooming us into forgetting more? If so, is there anything a digital collection allows us to do instead? AndSee Full Post
No Need to Feel Bad: Thoughts on Collecting
Welcome to 2021! Is it too late to wish the reader a happy and healthy new year? Though I will soon have to write a long and academic blog post again for class, I wanted to hop on here quickly to share my thoughts on the topics we’re currently dealingSee Full Post
How Meme Culture Might be the Most Multimodal Aspect of Social Media
This blog post is an accompaniment to the podcast episode “Exploring Multimodality” by The Orange Soda Club. In this podcast, Nika Music, Hannah Stumpf, and I delve into the topic of multimodality and how it shows up everywhere in our daily lives. Towards the end of the podcast, I makeSee Full Post
Reflections 2: Public Spheres and Double Diamonds
Another semester for the students of the Media Studies program is almost complete. With that, I’ll be reflecting on some of the topics we discussed in our classes. To start, in the course “Machines of Knowledge ” we discussed an array of topics concerning, among other things, the changes inSee Full Post
Sharing Fancams as a User Practice: My Final Paper for TDC
What follows is the introduction for my final paper for my “Transformations in Digital Cultures” class, which focuses on fancams. Download the file at the bottom of the post to read the whole paper! During the height of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in the USA and other partsSee Full Post
Reflections: Documentaries and Technomoral Change
In the last tutorial session for the “Transformations in Digital Cultures” course, we discussed the concept of “technomoral change”, which Tsjalling Swierstra described as “The phenomenon that technology and morality mutually shape each other.” (2015, p. 11) It specifically raises concerns about the less tangible kinds of impacts, which heSee Full Post
My Phenomenological Anecdote
On: Distance and Intimacy in a Zoom class I click “join” on Zoom. I check myself and the background in the pop-up screen before I confirm joining, to see if I look put-together enough for class. As soon as I join the room, I’m greeted with a wall of facesSee Full Post
The Road So Far
Welcome to this blog once more! This will be the first post (that remains) on my blog, so I’d like to share some overall view of my experiences in this program so far. I think it’s no exaggeration to say that EVERYONE is currently having to readjust to a worldSee Full Post