Our digital shaped world is in constant and rapid change.
In the MA Media Studies - Digital Cultures we investigate these changes and learn how they affect society, industry,
and the life we knew before.
Recent Posts
Banana Bread – A 3D Model
For the course „Creating Digital Collections II”, each student was supposed to create a 3D model of an object of choice. Because the 3D collection is part of a larger project called “The Covid Collection”, each object should have some form of relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. That is why I decided to create a […]
How Curators Can Enhance the Materiality of Digital Collections
Especially in times of COVID-19, the benefits of digitized collections of museums, archives, and libraries are undeniable. Instead of visits on-site, people can find new institutions around the globe, browse through collections, and explore things online while adhering to the lockdown restrictions. However, institutions already started digitizing their artifacts before the pandemic. The reasons for […]
Why You Should Take a User-Centred Design Approach | Advantages of UCD
Welcome to the next blog post accompanying our podcast episode about the interesting and instructive concept of User-Centered Design (UCD)! So far, we know what UCD is and what methods can be used in a UCD approach. Moreover, you are introduced to two very interesting case studies: Qinwen is telling about her thrilling experience with […]