Creating digital Collections I

In this course, we learned how to build 3D models of everyday objects on Agisoft Metashape. We assembled all of them and created a collection on Sketchfab.
Design Thinking and Maker Culture

This course reflected on design thinking as the main process for designing new technologies. It explored design research and its importance to insure the development of relevant and more inclusive products.
Machines of Knowledge

This course introduces the transformations of the World Wide Web from an information space to one that is increasingly seen as a series of dynamic knowledge sites and how changes in content generation raise new issues.
Transformations in Digital Cultures

This sociology course investigates how technology and society co-shape new digital cultures and practices. For example, we talked about technomoral change, online activism, gender and technology, and imaginaries.
Real Virtualities

This philosophy course explores changing relationships between the real and the virtual. It takes a phenomenological approach to make nuanced observations about the the relations between users, media and the world.