Hello dear visitor! Thank you for engaging in Another Mediated Conversation.
My name is Leia, I love coffee, the sea and I have a passion for cute little funny cartoons (which derives from an strong interest in anime, comic books, manga, webtoons and other forms of illustrated storytelling).
I graduated in European Studies and I am currently studying a master’s degree in Media Studies: Digital Cultures at Maastricht University. On this blog, we will hence discuss digital cultures and how they influence our society, morality and practices. This blog will offer you various insights through my experience of this master. I hope you enjoy! Don’t hesitate to contact me!
As this is a student blog on in digital cultures, I spend a lot of time studying behind my computer. So, I thought I would introduce you to my digital tools for self-study: the lofi girl and studybunny!
My favorite digital tools for studying: the lofi girl and Study Bunny
The lofi girl

This is the lofi girl. It’s a playlist that you can listen to live, anytime you want. She is animated so she studies with you, flips the pages of her book, looks outside the window, takes notes, and her cat is always there!
If you study at night, the view from her window is dark and her lamp is on, which reinforces this impression that she is studying all day and night with you. And most importantly, the music is pretty nice. I always put this playlist first thing when I start to study. It helps me focus and puts me in “study mode”. There is a whole community around the lofi girl and she is also available on Spotify and other streaming platforms, so feel free to check it out!
Study Bunny

Every time I study on my own, I turn my study bunny on. He studies with you and for every study session you get coins that you can spend on stuff to pimp your bunny’s room. You loose cons during breaks, but you also get little inspirational quotes from your bunny. He gets a cute little smile when you studied and starts sulking a bit when you haven’t studied for a while.
The app allows you to track the number of hours you study every day. You can use a stopwatch or a countdown and also: you can name your bunny! Mine is called Tobio and I am pretty attached to him..
Plus, can you please note the pun in the name? Study buddy? Bunny? Right?