At the start of this journey, we were warned that tears might be involved in the process of creating our 3D models.
Since then, I have spent a whole week taking pictures, selecting them, changing their format, creating more than a hundred masks, re-taking pictures, creating even more masks. Then, when that part was done, I tried again and again to merge different parts of my model together. Slowly losing my sanity, I watched as my figurine developed an ingrown ear or became a sphere made of two heads.

I can now say that tears seem perfectly fitting to the creation of this project.
I have not felt like this during the whole process. Taking pictures, setting the light box and the camera was fun. Even if I had to start over because I had missed some angles, my mistake there was clear and although time consuming, it was easy to fix. The masks were extremely time consuming but also repetitive and not too challenging. I used those hours to listen to music or call my family and friends as I was working.
Merging my two dense clouds was the most nerve-wracking part of the process. Mainly because when something went wrong, it was hard to understand why. This made it difficult to improve. Fortunately, by then, I was familiar with Metashape and knew my way around the different tools. Hence, I was more comfortable trying out different things with my model. I ended up cutting out any part of my second dense cloud that I did not need to fill in the missing parts of the first one. This allowed my final model to have no weird overlap in certain sections and no second pair of ears.

Here is an overview of my thoughts during the process of merging my clouds together in the form of the renaming of my different attempts. This illustrates the type of learning curve you should expect when building a 3D model for the first time.
When my final attempt at merging worked I felt really excited and when the texture of the model was done, I jumped out of my seat. I was proud, of course, but honestly, I was also glad that this was over.
So here is my model, it is not perfect but it is mine.