Phenomenology & Anecdotes

Phenomenology  (from Greek phainómenon “that which appears” and lógos “study”) is the philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness.

Being able to understand and communicate your experiences in an anecdote is a rather diligent and time-consuming procedure; a constant dialogue with yourself. Through this anecdote, you can enter the world of a teacher struggling with the concept of teaching online…


2,200 km away.

I never thought it would be so hard to stand in front of a screen trying to teach a language. My sense of confidence and power that one can do everything with a laptop is overshadowed by the bitter loneliness and feebleness. I am mentally there, next to each of my students, but the four white walls around me create a cage which I am bound to teach from. I turn on my video call application. “I have two minutes to go online” I remind to myself. My mind is trapped between the hurry to fast tidy up the background -this is the only thing they can see about me now, anyway-, and the button that brings me to the same “world” with them. Finally online! Four couples of eight-year-old eyes looking at me, waiting full of hope and uncertainty for their teacher to start the lesson. Silence is leading their abstract looks. “If I were there, they would be louder, vivid and naughty!”. I smile, as I feel the urge to bring them closer! They smile back! “Finally!-They respond, they are indeed there!”. This is a confirmation that I can move forward. The abstract faces look more concentrated now, ready to listen and speak as if I had them next to me! A sense of relief, as if I’m holding their hands taking them finally to the world of knowledge. “Maybe I have to continue talking”. A confused miniature grimaced face appears! I can not let it pass! I lean towards the screen, but I keep forgetting that I cannot sit next to them and show with my finger to point to their notes. Instead, my hands have to type on the plastic surface of my keyboard and I was secretly hoping that I can communicate my thoughts. “It’s clear now”, one said, evoking a sense of relief sending flutters down my spine.

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