While reflecting on the second period of this Master’s, I can say that the courses “Machines of Knowledge” and “Design Thinking and Maker Culture” provided me with the necessary skills for future career goals. Once again we were introduced to the Social Media world that we lived in and to different technologies. I was surprised at how much I was interested in the topic “Digital archives” from the “Machines of Knowledge” course. While I was searching for curious case studies I found out how many different libraries I can visit from my couch. A few libraries I will like to explore in the future for example “Rare Books and Special Collections” and“UNESCO Digital Library”. Still not sure how this topic can help me with my thises but there is no physical boundary, easy access, and open 24/7. In the course, “Design Thinking and Maker Culture” for the first time I was introduced to such an interactive way of learning, having the chance to record a podcast and write an assignment as a blog post I think is a great idea. The topic of User-Centered Design made me think in a creative new way, as we say “out of the box”. Now I am more familiar with design thinking and I realize that thinking like a designer could have a major impact on my life. For example, I can achieve my goals like writing down everything as a storyboard or “prototyping”, making small experiments (instead of full commitment to one thing). Essentially, applying the design thinking approach to my life can give me options that I never considered before. I may even consider the design thinking approach for fiding my master thesis topic. In conclusion, I am interested how we explore the digital world and what sense for the future is giving to us. I found this term extremely helpful.
Reflections on Machines of Knowledge & Design Thinking and Maker Culture
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Hey Desi!
I see that you are interested in the digital archives case! Something that could help you with further research might be to see what is to be gained and lost from digitizing print books and large amounts of documents. You might focus the study on a specific library and interview people of the certain area/ field. Concerning the second half of your reflection, I would be interested to know about which topic you liked most. I am sure that the process of the Double Diamond was and is extremely helpful to apply to almost all aspects of our future projects. This might seem useful when working in a team-based workshop and when interviewing various people at the same time, for example.