Category: <span>Machines of Knowledge</span>

Period 2: a reflection

The second period is coming to an end; it went by so fast! So, let me tell you about what I learned! The first course we had in the second period was Machines of Knowledges. This class linked 3 theoretical frameworks (feminist, post-colonial and digital public spheres) to data analysis. What …

Case study: JK Rowling’s transphobia

What happened? In 2019 and 2020, JK Rowling, the renowned author of the Harry Potter’s saga, wrote some tweets considered as transphobic by many people. She invalidated the concept of gender for the concept of sex and by doing so, she also invalidated the struggle of so many transgender people. …

Twitter: an ideal public sphere?

According to Habermas (2006), a public sphere is a concept referring to “a realm of our social life in which something approaching public opinion can be formed” (p.49). Twitter is a social media where any user (known or unknown) can write in short sentences an opinion on any subject. This …