Period 2: a reflection

Period 2: a reflection

The second period is coming to an end; it went by so fast!

So, let me tell you about what I learned!

Credit: Lucidchart

The first course we had in the second period was Machines of Knowledges. This class linked 3 theoretical frameworks (feminist, post-colonial and digital public spheres) to data analysis. What I appreciated the most was the possibility of writing an essay related to current social problems. We could for example talk about #metoo, Black Lives Matter or Covid-19. This allowed us to link the theory to an issue that we knew or even experienced. For my thesis, it could be interesting to talk about some social problems and how we could envisage solutions using some media platforms. In addition, being introduced to data analysis was very enriching and new for me. I found this innovative way of research very interesting because it opened up new perspectives. However, I would have preferred to be introduced to data analysis earlier so that I had time to become familiar with it.

The Design Thinking and Maker Culture course introduced us to different design approaches practiced in various fields. And what better way to understand concepts than by practicing them? Indeed, by making a Podcast on this subject, we were able to create a project by ourselves based on a design approach. We designed it from start to finish: from the basic idea to the editing. I loved learning the basics of audio editing but also discovering the many ways to design a project. It was challenging but rewarding. Being able to practice other approaches in the future in a professional project would also be very interesting.  In addition, by being in a group throughout this period as part of this course, we were really able to learn project management and experience it rather than just learn theory. It taught us group cohesion but also taught us to listen to each other.

Now, we still have exams to do and then, finally…

We will have the Christmas break (well deserved)!

One comment

  1. boas

    Dear Celine,

    I fully identify with your positive experience of learning new things in Design Thinking and Maker Culture. I see how, content-wise, it is harder to talk about the course in relation to a possible thesis. but you still highlighted how the things we learned in that course may come in handy in more practical ways in the future.
    Additionally, I absolutely agree with you that the chance to write about current and relevant social issues in Machines of Knowledge was one of the best parts. I also think that considering the role of social media platforms in being the solution to such issues is a very compelling approach. For example, with covid-19 there have been lots of talks about new apps that track and notify et. but what about the role that previously existing SM played in society dealing with covid-19? With the larger amount of time you have for a thesis, you could certainly use data analysis to take a distant reading approach to this question.

    I hope you do well on the finals and that you get to relax a bit during the break. Best wishes!

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