Digital Society

Information flood


The rapid development of the Internet and Digital World have created different kinds of metaphors which help us to understand what the Internet is in general. Since decades, the metaphors related to Digital World have evolved. At the beginning of the very first internet platforms and communities it had promising kind of metaphors. 

I found the perfect metaphor which fits my future vision. I am imagining the Internet as a “information flood” (Felt, 2014, p. 186). The reason why I chose this metaphor is because the Internet has a constant output of different kind of information, it is like a liquid coming from everywhere and you cannot stop it, and also cannot shape it into something solid. You are literally surfing on that flood of information trying to catch the most relevant to your needs. At the same time you must make sure to not get inside that flood as most of the information is unfiltered and can mislead and confuse you.



Felt, U. (2014). Sociotechnical imaginaries of “the internet”, digital health information and the making of citizen patients. In S. Hilgartner, C. Miler, & R. Hagendijk (eds.) Science and democracy. Making knowledge and making power in the biosciences and beyond, 176-197. Routledge.

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