Far-Right Narratives

How the Economic Crisis Came in Handy to CasaPound Italia

* Featured image from: https://www.casapounditalia.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/IMMAGINE-2.png The rise of far-right parties in Europe is still a persistent phenomenon. In this regard, CasaPound Italia (CPI) is the perfect concrete example in Italian politics. This blog is relevant because it represents a useful insight into the neo-fascist ideology of the twenty-first century. CasaPound was created out of a social necessity in the early 2000s, and it was viewed as a solution to the economic crisis that was sweeping Italy at the time. Italy’s precarious position during the economic crisis represented fertile ground for CasaPound to spread its political ideals and the party's ideas....
Far-Right Narratives

Money, Money, Money – but Not for Migrants

Over the last decade Europe has witnessed a rise in support for far-right parties. The focus of this particular blog entry will be the economic narratives which far-right parties use to steer voters towards them. In particular this can be observed when looking back at Great Britain and the UK Independence Party (UKIP). What is the UK Independence Party? The UK Independence Party is a right wing party which was founded in September of 1993 and gained a lot of popularity between 2010 and 2016. In 2014 the spotlight was cast on them as they gained 27% of the popular...
Far-Right Narratives

The Anti-Feminist Narrative: Theory vs. Practice

"I believe we are the only party in Germany who is really fighting for women’s rights, because we point out we’re in danger of losing the freedoms and rights of women for which we’ve fought for centuries.” You might assume that this quote is from a left-leaning or progressive German party. In that case, you are mistaken. These words were spoken by Nicole Höchst, member of the German far-right party, Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Since one of characteristics of the far right is their anti-feminist narrative, this seems contradictory, does it not?  I believe the anti-feminist narrative is less well-understood than other...
Far-Right Narratives

The Jackpot of the Far-right: How to Win the Popular Vote with One Argument 101

What screams far-right more than strong demagogic rhetoric? Persuasion is a natural and organic part of all political campaigns, but the far-right has been especially successful in reiterating certain subjects, almost like a creed. Themes are often based on hatred, taking the form of 'anti-' arguments. 'xenophobia provided the European far-right with one of its most effective rhetoric, even more so since the start of the migration crisis in 2015' Undoubtedly, the anti-immigrant narrative derived from xenophobia provided the European far-right with one of its most effective rhetoric, especially since the start of the migration crisis in 2015. It proved...