EU's governance of financial markets

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EU’s Governance on financial markets Notoriously complex, grey hair inducing, yet quintessentially important – welcome to the blog on the European Union’s governance of financial markets! This blog will tackle the issues that usually are left out of the public domain. Issues can range from insufficient oversight to money-laundering schemes used by criminals. EU’s – and some cases the global – financial regulatory framework can be an ambiguous and a hazy mess. Nonetheless, this blog tries to shed light on the complex world of EU’s financial governance. Safe and sound financial system benefits every single citizen in the EU –...
EU's governance of financial markets

The Global Regulatory Gap for Cryptocurrencies – a European Perspective

Cryptocurrencies are a new technology that will allow individuals to accumulate value in a digital manner. They are considered proper currencies because they have three characteristics: they are a medium of exchange, a store of value, and a unit of account. Today, the euro is a token that we consider a currency because we can exchange (buy) goods and services with it, we can store it and capitalize it so that we can consider ourselves rich, and we usit as a unit of measurement in order to understand how much value is attributed to a good or service on the...
EU's governance of financial markets

The reflection – what did we see?

Reflecting on the group work might not be the easiest task, but needs to be appreciated as a possibility to take a moment and grasp a bigger picture. One of the things we got faced with, as inseparable and obvious it might have seen at the first glance was that we are all different people, with different approaches, preferences, and schedules, but we do need to put the same effort and work to make this project a success.  Reflection on topics If looking for an example even in the smallest of things could be the simple fact that even though...
EU's governance of financial markets

SHOULD THE FREE ECONOMY BE LEFT UNCHAINED? Legislating the market. Financial crimes leave quite a peculiar mark on our society - they do not usually involve strong emotion from the public or extensive media coverage. When dealing with institutions, banks there could be noticed certain traits of objectification or lacking connection to humans involved, like the enormous of the crime could not be grasped - when in reality it affects not only individuals themselves, it also disturbs their views on the stability of the society. That is why, not only the governing bodies, but citizens should care about regulating that sector, especially in the age of globalisation. Firstly, the...
EU's governance of financial markets

Anti-Money Laundering & Countering Financing Terrorism measures’ effectiveness

Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism are two of the biggest threat the Western financial system has to deal with. These issues are not only affecting the financial system but the entire Western society since these immensely important flows of money go under the radar of the taxation organization and can not be redistributed equivalently across all strata of the population. This results in less money available for governments to improve our livings and it also affects our safety since this hidden money is often used to finance terrorist organizations which allow them to perpetuate their criminal activities.  In...
EU's governance of financial markets

Should legitimacy matter in the Banking Union? The case of Single Supervisory Mechanism

Picture from: The regulatory challenge analysed in this blog is how to ensure legitimacy in one of the newer institutions of EU governance. Primarily the focus is going to be on the European Banking Union. More particularly, the Single Supervisory Mechanism will be under scrutiny in this piece. Legitimacy is immensely important for any type of organ which is doing either legislative or regulatory duties. Question of legitimacy becomes even more paramount in supranational systems. In supranational governance systems, like the Banking Union, the power is usually spread to multiple different bodies. These bodies are run by seasoned experts,...