
What to take into account when promoting health

​In this section, I shall be focusing on three factors that should be taken into account when delivering health information to individuals with limited reading and writing skills.

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● Delivery of health information

In response, the COVID-19 pandemic governments predominantly made use of digital platforms to promote health. It would be logical to assume that this was the preferred channel of communication as the internet guarantees that a large target audience can access this information. However, in order to navigate the internet successfully one must have basic literacy skills. Therefore by health information being placed on the internet, a large section of society is excluded from accessing it.


Information on the internet is in abundance. It is for this reason that one must have the ability to identify what is reliable and what is not. Even individuals with a strong background in education should be careful when trying to identify when a source is reliable and what isn’t. The danger of misinformation is that it can influence the willingness to follow the recommendations by health and political


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● The use of numbers

Numbers play an essential role in putting problems into perspective. This is because numbers can influence perception and can also be used as a technique to persuade. For example, some individuals might look at the number of positive cases or the number of deaths that have been caused by COVID-19 and deduce that immediate preventative measures must be taken. What is interesting is that numbers have also been used by politicians to downplay the urgency.


In conclusion, we can see how a lack of literacy skills is closely interlinked with having a deficiency in other skills. Information related to COVID-19 should be communicated in a manner that allows for it to be understood universally within a society. As the rising number of covid cases continues to increase it is important to address these deficiencies that act as a barrier for individuals with limited literacy skills from obtaining the necessary information they need and deserve. Everyone should have a fair chance of living a long healthy life.