Media health literacy Uncategorized

Final words

The focus of Media Health Literacy has greatly expanded our knowledge in the field of Literacy and specifically Health Literacy in general. Together as a group we enjoyed breaking down different topics within Media Literacy and developing more understanding about the difficulties of Media Illiteracy. The three different topics provided more knowledge about the topic not only for the potential readers but also for us. After completing the blogs in our different fields we noticed that there is still a significant gap of research in Media Health Literacy. We did mention having some difficulty in finding enough research in our individual blogs, however, it did help us understand the importance and significance of this topic. 

We randomly decided to work together and we all agree that we have been lucky. We worked well together even though our previous research did not talk about the same aspects of literacy. We frequently met up both online and offline. Heidi had the unfortunate experience of catching Covid during our course, therefore, we had to meet online for multiple of our meetings. This was both beneficial, as well as weakening our progress on the blogs. Even though we did get to discuss all important aspects of our work. For example, when and where to upload, what to write, and which areas we need to improve on. However, while we had the possibility to meet on Zoom we did sometimes experience the difficulties of not being able to quickly share information because it was too difficult to explain what we meant online. To some extent we did even feel illiterate using Media. In the end this helped us understand the importance of our blogs. Especially, when one of us is sitting in quarantine getting the full impact of isolation and media. When we did get to meet up in person, we worked very well together and managed to stay on track. As a team we were very efficient and helped each other out. 

Some weaknesses we experienced mostly surrounded the technological aspects of the site we were supposed to publish our blogs on. We thought that some of the tabs were more difficult to find especially when none of us had previous experience with WordPress. Being able to make the blog visible and accessible on all parts of the site was also a challenge. However, after some experimenting, help from other students in the class and the different videos made available to us, we were able to overcome these difficulties. 

We are glad we had the opportunity to experience the group working process once in our academic journey and would like to repeat this exercise as it was a good experience for the three of us.