Month: April 2017

”More than just a cup of coffee…”

We now know how with the use of semiotics one can distinguish signs and try to identify meaning within the relationship of the signified and signifier. Most scholars use both semiotics with discourse analysis for the search of hidden ideals, messages and values, looking at how they are constructed, encouraged or otherwise practiced daily within for example; institutions like Starbucks. Sociologist… Read more →

Cultural Iconic Branding

It is no secret cultural artifacts, be it human (for instance Woody Allen) and not (objects, like Coca Cola or places, like Paris), dominate our world. Marketing scholars like Douglas B. Holt concerns himself with questions; how exactly do brands become icons? Today’s entry will uncover this question by looking at the principles and logic of cultural branding. The main… Read more →

Introduction to Semiotics

Since cavemen humankind has been striving for communication. Mind you, the messages are quite different from then; instead of drawings showing what one should run away from, nowadays one will rather communicate the meaning of our complex experience of the world. Nevertheless, the study of ‘visual grammar’ is important to no take for granted, as it opens many topics of… Read more →