

Welcome to ‘Logo and Imago’!

My name is Luisa and I am an Arts & Culture student at Maastircht University. New media technologies have caused issues as well as improvements in human interaction and communication. In order to learn more about the impact of media on social and cultural as well as public and private affairs, I chose the Media Culture major in my second year of study.

Part of this study is the course ‘Logo and Imgo’, of which this blog is part of. The topics: semiotics, branding, advertisement and marketing will be the main issues of the posts.

Methods such as Discourse Analysis and Ethnographic Research are important in the study of media. These research methods help to get a sufficient understanding of the field and provide the researcher with necessary information for his or her work.

Getting consumers to buy a certain product is the goal of advertisement. This is being achieved by persuading the consumer with a particular rhetoric that is customised to the corresponding target group.

Social media cannot be left out of this discussion. Online communities are oranised in a certain way and also here, advertisements can be customised individually. Here the interest lies in the policies of privacy and the problems of uncertified information that is spread on social media platforms.

In the next eight weeks, I will delve into the study of semiotics, discourse analysis, the rethoric of advertisements and the issues of social media platforms. If you are further interested in any of the fields, visit the literature list. Here I will add relevant and interesting works of scholars of the fields. Enjoy!

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