
학교라는 제도적 공간에 대해서

학교라는 공간은 종종 작은 사회, 작은 왕국으로 그려진다. 우리나라에서도 많은 드라마나 웹툰 등의 작품에서, 학교라는 공간 안에서 나타나는 권력 관계를 주제로 삼은 경우를 종종 볼 수 있는데, 그만큼 학교라는 공간은 독자적인 체계와 rule을 가진 곳인 것. 그 안에서의 양상은 집이나 사회와는 다르게 돌아간다. 밖에서는 다른 사람일지라도 학교 안에서는 학교의 룰을 따라야 하니까. 박물관에서 관람객들이 그들에게 …


Rose: Discourse Analysis II

*summary 1. what are main characteristics of DAII? -focuses on the articulation of discourses through institutional apparatuses and institutional technologies -concentrates on the sites of production and audiencing in their social modality -pays more attention to powerful discourses that saturate institutions and apparatuses to produce their subjects, than to visual images or texts itself. 2. …


Rose: Discourse Analysis I

*Rose(2001), Visual methodologies: An introduction to researching with visual materials. (Chapter 6: Discourse Analysis I) 1. Introduction -discourse :(Foucault) groups of statements which structure the way a thing is thought, and the way we act on the basis of that thinking. A particular knowledge about the world which shapes how the world is understood and how …


Assignment 4: Discourse Analysis II

*summary 1. what are main characteristics of DAII? -focuses on the articulation of discourses through institutional apparatuses and institutional technologies -concentrates on the sites of production and audiencing in their social modality -pays more attention to powerful discourses that saturate institutions and apparatuses to produce their subjects, than to visual images or texts itself. 2. …


Assignment 3: Discourse Analysis I

Foucault defines ‘discourse’ as  ‘groups of statements which structure the way a thing is thought, and the way we act on the basis of that thinking’. Discourse also refers to a particular knowledge about the world which shapes how the world is understood and how things are done in it.(Rose: 136) As discourse can be …


Assignment 2: Cultural Branding

Holt(2004) defines ‘cultural branding’ as ‘the set of axioms and strategic principles that guide the building of brands into cultural icons’(p.11) Cultural icons, which is accepted as the symbol of the ideas or values of certain society, functions as a myth which is demanded at that time and environment. Thus brand becomes cultural icon when …